Sipe White Mountain Wildlife Area includes several reservoirs, a stream, wetlands, irrigated meadows and pastures, upland grasslands, and pinyon-juniper woodlands.
At Sipe White Mountain Wildlife Area (SWMWA), four hiking trails provide foot access through a variety of habitat types. There is also a visitor center and a day-use picnic area. Several wildlife viewing points are located on the trails, including one with a spotting scope on the High Point Trail overlook. SWMWA is open to the public from sunrise to sunset. The visitor center is open mid-May through early October; hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Parking available at designated sites only.

From the Town of Eagar, take U.S. Hwy 180/191 southeast toward Alpine for about two miles. Look for turnoff signs immediately at the top of the first mesa at milepost 404.7 (Forest Road 57). Drive about five miles on Forest Road 57, which is a dirt road suitable for passenger cars, to the Sipe property.

Habitats include several reservoirs, a stream, wetlands, irrigated meadows and pastures, upland grasslands, and pinyon-juniper woodlands.

Common birds in the area include mountain and western bluebirds, spotted towhee, as well as northern flickers, western wood-pewees, Say’s phoebes, white-breasted nuthatches, American robins, Virginia’s warblers, black-headed grosbeaks, and Bullock’s orioles, northern pintails, cinnamon teals, green-winged teals, redheads, buffleheads, common mergansers, mallards, American coots, American wigeons, gadwalls, Canada geese, white-faced ibis, great blue herons, pied-billed and eared grebes, Merriam’s turkeys, Montezuma quail, band-tailed pigeons, and rufous, broad-tailed, and calliope hummingbirds.

Common mammals in the area include elk, pronghorn, mule deer, coyotes, porcupines, American badgers, and Abert’s, golden-mantled, and thirteen-lined squirrels. Also found are long-tailed weasels, cliff chipmunks, striped skunks, cave myotis, long-eared myotis, long-legged myotis, occult little brown bats, Allen’s lappet-browed bats, silver-haired bats, and hoary bats.

Amphibians and Reptiles
Common amphibians and reptiles in the area include Arizona tree frogs and terrestrial garter snakes.

Sipe White Mountain Wildlife Area is owned and managed by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission.
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