An important wetland along the Gila River, Quigley-Achee Wildlife Area provides watchable wildlife and wildlife education opportunities.
The Quigley-Achee Wildlife Area, known locally as Quigley Ponds or Tacna Marsh, was acquired to protect the Tacna Marsh, an important wetland along the Gila River. This habitat was once interspersed with relatively dense stands of screwbean mesquite, covering approximately 85 acres. Creosote bush-bursage habitat occupies about 95 acres of the wildlife area, and is predominantly located on the mesa in the southern portion of the property.

Quigley-Achee Wildlife Area is located in Yuma County, approximately 1.5 miles north of the town of Tacna, AZ and 40 miles east of Yuma, AZ. Follow avenue 40E north to County 6th Street and continue west along the WMIDD salinity canal.

Common vegetation in the area include cattail and bulrush, saltcedar and arrowweed, screwbean mesquite, creosote bush and white bursage, honey mesquite and little-leaf palo verde.

As a State Important Bird Area common birds in the area include the American bittern, red-tailed hawk, morning dove, white-winged dove, greater roadrunner, Gambel’s quail, and snowy egret.

Common mammals in the area include mule deer, coyotes, bobcats, kit foxes, and Harris’s antelope squirrels.

Amphibians and Reptiles
Common reptiles in the area include Sonoran desert toads and zebra-tailed lizards.

The Quigley-Achee Wildlife Area is managed by AZGFD.
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