Cluff Ranch was acquired in 1949 through a property transfer with the General Services Administration, but its conservation history goes back to 1880.
Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area offers outdoor opportunities for wildlife viewing, camping, boating, fishing, hiking, and hunting. Throughout the years, the Cluff Ranch has been a small community with a school, Soil Conservation Service plant material center, and the Safford National Wildlife Refuge. Today it is the Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area. It sits at an elevation of 3500 feet on the north aspect of the Pinaleno Mountains in southeastern Arizona.

Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area is located on the northside of the Pinaleno mountains in Graham County, seven miles south of Pima, Arizona at 2002 South Cluff Ranch Road.

Common vegetation in the area includes riparian and mesquite bosque.

Common birds in the area include yellow-billed cuckoos, roadrunners, gray hawks, phainopepla, white-winged doves, red-tailed hawks, and Gambel’s quail.

Common mammals in the area include whitetail and mule deer, javelina, white-nosed coatis, badgers, black-tailed jackrabbits, several skunk species, gray fox, bobcats, coyotes, and raccoons.

Cluff Ranch Wildlife Area is managed by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission.
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