The Cibola Valley is located in La Paz County and encompasses a bend of the lower Colorado River and a remnant oxbow on the west side of the river.
The Cibola Valley Conservation and Wildlife Area (CVCWA) consists of agricultural fields and undeveloped land planted with native vegetation to restore cottonwood-willow, mesquite, and desert upland habitat types.

The CVCWA is located within the Cibola Valley between river miles 99-104 within the historic floodplain of the lower Colorado River and immediately north of the Cibola National Wildlife Refuge.

Cottonwoods dominate the wildlife area. The trees were planted for mitigation.

Common birds to the area include Gila woodpeckers, Sonoran yellow warblers, summer tanagers, vermilion flycatchers, and yellow-billed cuckoos.

Common mammals in the area include California leaf-nosed bats, Pale Townsend’s bats, western yellow bats, western red bats, coyotes, and Colorado River cotton rats.

The land and water rights for the CVCWA are leased to the Bureau of Reclamation until 2055 as a part of the lower Colorado River Multi-Species Conservation Program (LCR MSCP) which was created to balance the use of the Colorado River water resources with the conservation of native species and their habitats. The program works toward the recovery of species currently listed under the Endangered Species Act (ESA).
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