Planning Resources
Habitat Partnership Committees are designed to facilitate local decision making regarding wildlife habitat issues and improvements, and act as a vehicle for partnership development and communication between private, state, and federal entities. Creating partnerships between habitat improvement proponents and potential funding programs or funding organizations is a major focus of the Arizona Habitat Partnership Committee program.

decision making regarding wildlife habitat
The HPC application period opens Aug. 1 of each year, and proposals are due Sept. 1. Annual funding fluctuates, but there is generally around $2,500,000 available for selected projects. Proposals submitted outside this time frame will not be accepted.
Submit a 2024 HPC proposal
Environmental Compliance Wizard
Proposal Instructions
HPC project guidelines
Progress Report Form
Completion Report Form
Land Owner Relations and Habitat Enhancement Information and Contacts
Recommended Supporting Documents for your Application
Project planning
- Planning for Wildlife & Wildlife Friendly Guidelines
- Arizona Coordinated Resource Management Handbook and Guideline
- USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service Agriculture Handbook 590 Ponds Planning, Design, Construction. 1997
- AGFD Fencing Guidelines
- AGFD Wildlife Water Development Standards
- HabiMap™ Arizona
Have a project that would help wildlife habitat? Annual deadline for proposal submission is Sept. 1
Contact Your HPC Committee
For information and learning about the committee.
Want to Get Involved with Wildlife Conservation?
Volunteer your time, or donate to help us with conserving and protecting our wildlife. When you purchase a hunting or fishing license online, resources go back into wildlife conservation.
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With your help, we can continue to conserve & protect Arizona’s wildlife.
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If you have a passion for wildlife and want to help us conserve and protect it, we’d love to have you on our team!