Learn About the Project Evaluation Program
The Project Evaluation Program (PEP) provides policy, technical assistance, and environmental law compliance guidance and oversight, and coordinates the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s review of internal and external policies, plans, and projects affecting fish and wildlife resources in Arizona.

Project evaluation steps
- PEP’s will assess impacts to fish and wildlife resources
- We review federal, state, municipal, and private land use projects and policies that may impact wildlife and fisheries in Arizona.
- There is no cost for PEP review of projects
- We have 30 days to review projects. Complex projects may require more review time
- PEP’s will assess impacts to fish and wildlife resources
- We review federal, state, municipal, and private land use projects and policies that may impact wildlife and fisheries in Arizona.
- There is no cost for PEP review of projects
- We have 30 days to review projects. Complex projects may require more review time
- PEP’s will assess impacts to fish and wildlife resources
- We review federal, state, municipal, and private land use projects and policies that may impact wildlife and fisheries in Arizona.
- There is no cost for PEP review of projects
- We have 30 days to review projects. Complex projects may require more review time
- PEP’s will assess impacts to fish and wildlife resources
- We review federal, state, municipal, and private land use projects and policies that may impact wildlife and fisheries in Arizona.
- There is no cost for PEP review of projects
- We have 30 days to review projects. Complex projects may require more review time
How to Submit a Project
If you are developing an environmental document or require evaluation of a specific land or water project, and are in need of a Special Status Species (SSS) list or project review, you may submit your request through the following options:
- Use the Arizona On-line Environmental Review Tool for an SSS list. The tool will generate a report that includes project maps and 3 species lists. 1 for SSS species, 1 for Arizona’s Species of Greatest Conservation Need (SGCN) and 1 for Species of Economic Importance (SERI). For more information regarding potential impacts, environmental compliance, regulation, or mitigation opportunities, submit a written request to the Project Evaluation Program.
- Submit a written request for a SSS list or project review via email or mail.All requests should be written to the attention of the Project Evaluation Program and include:- Project description
– Project location with legal description and/or map
– Copy of the tool report or the report number, if applicable
– Type of environmental document that is being prepared (e.g. NEPA, ESA, if applicable)
Use the Project Evaluation Request Form, to help identify information PEP needs to evaluate your project.
Submit questions about the process, email PEP@azgfd.gov or call Ginger Ritter, Project Evaluation Supervisor, 623 236-7606.
Arizona Game and Fish Department
Project Evaluation Program
5000 W. Carefree Highway
Phoenix, AZ 85086-5000
Project Evaluation Request Form
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