Discover Arizona’s Wildlife Species

From scales to fur, from feathers to horns, you’ll find a rich diversity of wildlife in Arizona.
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  1. Bobcat

    The bobcat’s most distinguishing characteristic is its short, bobbed tail, which has white fur on the underside and a black tip.

  2. Brook Trout

    Introduced to Arizona in 1903. Brook trout are actually chars, related more closely to fishes that live in colder areas of the Northern Hemisphere than to true trout.

  3. Brown Trout

    Exotic from Europe. Introduced in Arizona in 1931. Olive-brown with yellowish brown sides. Some orange or red spots on the sides, black spots often encircled with light yellow or white, dark spots on back and sides.

  4. Cactus Wren

    The cactus wren, Arizona’s state bird, is a hardy desert dweller known for its bold nature and distinctive call.

  5. California Condor

    California condors, are the largest flying land bird in North America. Condors have a wingspan of 9 ½ feet, and can weigh up to 25 pounds as adults.

  6. Channel Catfish

    Channel catfish have few spots on the large adults. Smooth, scaleless skin. Four pair of barbels or ‘whiskers.’ Short base on small adipose fin. Deeply forked tail. Anal fin has 24 to 30 rays and is slightly rounded.

  7. Chukar

    Chukars are not native to Arizona but the middle east, with those birds found in Arizona most likely originating in India.

  8. Cottontail Rabbit

    Three species of cottontail occur in Arizona: the mountain cottontail, eastern cottontail, and desert cottontail.

  9. Coyote

    Coyotes are Arizona’s most common predator and found throughout the entire state. Though not always seen, their vocalizations, consisting of howls, yelps, and barks, are regularly heard during almost any night spent in the field.

  10. Desert Tortoise

    Arizona has two native species of tortoise, the Sonoran desert tortoise, and the Mojave desert tortoise.

  11. Dove

    Mourning dove, white-winged dove and collared dove are game birds occurring in Arizona.

  12. Dusky Grouse

    Dusky grouse are named after the bluish-gray appearance of the male.


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