Chukars are not native to Arizona but the middle east with those birds found in Arizona most likely originating in India. Chukars are very distinctive birds. The black line passing through the eye and encircling the white throat make them easily recognizable.

In spite of a five month season and a five bird bag limit few people hunt chukars in Arizona. This is due to the remote portion of the state in which they live as well as the steep, rough canyon country where they are found.
Natural History
From the late 1930s through the early 1970s an effort was made to establish chukars in Arizona. Thousands of chukars were released throughout Arizona at no fewer than 37 different release sites. Almost all of these transplant efforts failed. Today the majority of Arizona’s wild chukars are found in and along the canyons in the far northwest portion of the state north of the Colorado River, the only notable exception being those found in Cataract Canyon west of Tusuyan. Chukars pair up in late March and begin egg laying and incubation from late March through mid April. The average clutch is between 8 to 15 eggs which hatch between late May and early June.

Our Mission
To conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources and manage for safe, compatible outdoor recreation opportunities for current and future generations.
*Attention chukar hunters: The Department would like to survey chukar hunter participation and success. To do this we are asking chukar hunters to provide an address or email to the Department’s small game biologist, so that they can be surveyed directly after the end of the season. This may be done by sending an email to or through U.S. mail to the Department’s main office, and sending it attention to Terrestrial Wildlife Branch.
If you shoot a banded chukar, report your harvest here. The information you provide helps with the management of the species.
Hunt Regulations
Rules and regulations for hunting in Arizona.
Regulations for spring hunts, fall hunts and pronghorn, elk hunts.