Arizona Treefrog

The Arizona treefrog is a small, bright green or brown to copper frog. It features smooth skin, toe pads, mildly webbed hind feet, and a dark eye stripe extending from snout to groin.


  • Common Name:

    Arizona Treefrog

  • Scientific Name:

    Hyla wrightorum

  • Conservation Status:

    Least Concern

  • Size:

    About 2.25 in. long

  • Where to See:

    Madrean Evergreen Woodland and Rocky Mountain Montane Forest


The Arizona treefrog becomes active with the onset of summer rains, forages in grassy areas near water, occasionally climbs trees, and eats insects, spiders, earthworms and other invertebrates. The frog breeds during summer rains, and its eggs are laid in clusters attached to underwater vegetation. The frog’s skin secretions can cause irritation to a person’s nose and eyes.

Official State Amphibian

The Arizona treefrog is the official state amphibian of Arizona. Did you know Arizona has 24 native frogs and toads? Learn about all of them and the state’s salamanders, toads, turtles, lizards and snakes in A Field Guide to Amphibians and Reptiles in Arizona, Second Edition. The book, published by the Arizona Game and Fish Department, is a must-have resource for identifying and learning about the state’s herpetofauna.

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To conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources and manage for safe, compatible outdoor recreation opportunities for current and future generations.

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