Allen’s Lappet-browed Bat
The Allen’s lappet-browed bat is named for the distinct pair of lappets, or lobes, on its forehead. It has long, soft fur and large ears for enhanced hearing. It has been found roosting in boulder piles, mines, and under exfoliating bark in trees.

The Allen’s lappet-browed bat makes an audible loud “peep” at a frequency of about once per second when flying across open spaces. Limited information on food habits suggests that this bat feeds primarily on small moths, flying ants, and beetles. Females give birth to a single pup, usually born in June and able to fly by late July. Captured rarely during biological surveys, this beautiful bat is typically very docile.
Where they are Found
This bat is mostly found in oak-juniper and ponderosa pine forests from elevations between 1,100 and 2,500 meters. In Arizona, it has been observed roosting under loose bark, in lightning-caused cracks of large diameter Ponderosa pine snags, boulder piles, rock crevices and occasionally in abandoned mines. It is one of the rarest bats in North America and seldom observed.

Our Mission
To conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources and manage for safe, compatible outdoor recreation opportunities for current and future generations.
Wildlife Viewing
See wildlife species in the wild.
The Wildlife Viewing Program is committed to achieving wildlife conservation by engaging the public in activities and with cams that increase awareness of and appreciation for wildlife garnering public support for the Department’s unique role in wildlife management. These practices ensure the continued existence of Arizona’s diverse wildlife and habitats by promoting sustainable viewing practices.
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