The Base and Meridian Wildlife Area is on the north bank of the Gila River at the confluence with the Salt River, and contains primarily riparian habitat.
At approximately 198 acres, Base and Meridian Wildlife Area contains primarily riparian and wetland habitats in and along the river and its associated upland banks. Many riparian obligate wildlife species inhabit the area including several sensitive species. The Base and Meridian Wildlife Area has been devoted to waterfowl and riparian management.

The Base and Meridian Wildlife Area is located 17 miles west of Phoenix at 115th Avenue and the Gila River in Maricopa County, Arizona.

Common vegetation includes assemblages of cottonwood, willow, salt cedar, seep willow and desert broom, mesquite and many other herbaceous and woody species.

The area is used by Ferruginous hawks, coots, gallinules, quail, doves, egrets, herons, and the federally endangered Yuma clapper-rail and Western yellow-billed cuckoo.

Common mammals include coyotes, foxes, bobcats, common raccoons, skunks, Greater Western mastiff bats, and other small mammals.

Amphibians and Reptiles
Sonoran desert tortoises can be found in the area.

Acquisition of the Base and Meridian Wildlife Area (1973) was made possible with cooperation of county, state and federal agencies including the Arizona Game and Fish Commission, Bureau of Land Management, USFWS and Maricopa County’s Department of Transportation, and Flood Control District.
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