Landowner Compact Ranch Rules
Thank you for your cooperation. We consider you a partner in conservation.
Respected access is open access.

ranch rules
All persons must follow all ranch rules as well as all applicable state laws and regulations. These rules apply to hunting and recreation on all private lands and State Trust Lands within the CO Bar Ranch. Violation of ranch rules or applicable state laws or regulations may result in immediate cancellation of the Ranch Access Pass, expulsion from CO Bar Ranch, and loss of privilege to hunt or recreate on this and all other ranches enrolled in the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Landowner Compact program.
Recreational users must have in their possession a valid Ranch Access Pass and copy of, or ability to demonstrate knowledge of, ranch rules. In addition, recreational users are required to have in their possession either a valid hunting license (and be scouting for or in pursuit of legal game) or a valid State Land Department Recreation Permit when recreating on State Trust Lands. Ranch Access Passes are available through sign-in boxes at kiosks located at the entry points into the CO Bar Ranch, or on-line from the AZGFD Landowner Relations Program Ranch Access web page. Arizona State Trust Land Recreational Use Permits may be obtained here.
Special Golden Eagle rules for SP Crater Golden Eagle Complex (SPEC). The SPEC is managed and established to protect one or more known golden eagle breeding territories. The following Special Golden Eagle Rules are made a part of the ranch rules for the express purpose of encouraging the maintenance and productivity of such golden eagle territory or territories as well as others that may be found or made within the SPEC:
-Lead ammunition is strictly forbidden. No person shall at any time be within the SPEC in possession of any lead ammunition. No firearms of any kind may be discharged within the SPEC except with non-lead ammunition and for a valid hunting purpose. There shall be no target shooting within the SPEC. In support of wildlife conservation, non-lead ammunition use on the rest of the CO Bar Ranch will continue to be encouraged.
-Recreational access within the SPEC is prohibited for the period of January 1st through the end of May of each year in order to reduce potential disturbance of nesting golden eagles and their young.
-There shall be no hunting, trapping, or other taking of any kind of prairie dogs, rabbits, or squirrels within the SPEC.
-All Recreational Users must review and have in their possession the brochure developed by the Landowner and Landsward titled “Know Your Eagles,” which provides information for the identification and avoidance of golden eagles. Recreational Users must take all practicable steps to avoid approaching, following, or otherwise disturbing golden eagles. Recreational Users shall not knowingly discharge a firearm of any type when a golden eagle is within 500 yards of the Recreational User.
–Golden Eagle Conservation Complex brochure
ranch rules violation penalty schedule
First offense – 7-year loss of access privileges to all Landowner Compact Ranches and Farms.
Second offense- Lifetime loss of access privileges to all Landowner Compact Ranches and Farms.
First offense with criminal violation, other than trespass, will result in a lifetime loss of access.
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