Helping Sportsmen’s Groups Fund Projects

Created in 2007, the Local Sportsmen’s Group (LSG) grant is to help local sportsmen’s groups fund projects that promote wildlife conservation through hunter, angler, shooter and trapper recruitment and retention through a competitive application process each year.

program information

Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program focus, overview and funding information.

See contact below for details.

Grant cycle and program information

FY2025 Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Applications Accepted May 8, 2024

The deadline to apply is 11:59 p.m. MST (AZ time), Sunday, June 23, 2024. 

Instructions, information and optional application

Grant focus FY25: Hunter or Angler Recruitment/ Development via Progressive Skills Programs

Hunter or Angler Development and Retention through Progressive Skills Programs.

The Local Sportsmen’s Group grants program places priority on projects that align with event types 2, 3, 4, & 5 that involve the pursuit, or harvest of fish or wildlife with a license/ tag, and are designed for and target participants who have the appropriate experience and skills relevant to the event.

Record of Applicant List Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program  FY25


AZGFD continues to evolve this grant program for the best results by incorporating the latest national science in Recruitment, Retention and Reactivation (R3), Adoption Sequence, partnership building, and through review and evaluation.

Key elements related to R3 are: right audience, progressive events, providing continued engagement / support, partnership models, collecting customer data, evaluation and improvement.

There is no cost to Arizona taxpayers for the Local Sportsmen’s Group grant program. Game and Fish does not receive any of the state’s general funds and operates on a user-pay, public-benefit model.

The Local Sportsmen’s Group grant program is an investment in the continuance of wildlife conservation efforts and outdoor recreation participation in Arizona and funded through the sale of hunting and fishing licenses, permit-tags and stamps.

how much grant funding is available?

The Arizona Legislature and the Arizona Game and Fish Commission determine how much money is available each year, typically, $75,000 is available each Fiscal Year (July 1 – June 30).

Applicants may apply for single or multiple grants; more than one grant may be awarded to the same group and must be stand-alone projects. The Arizona Game and Fish Department may partially fund project(s) at its discretion.


The grant is an annual program. It typically coincides with the State’s new Fiscal Year, which begins July 1. When that grant cycle opens, it will be posted on the Department’s website and announced and the application will become available. Application window is a minimum of six weeks.


To be eligible for the Local Sportsmen’s Group Grants applicants must meet the following requirements. Applications that do not meet these criteria will be rejected.

Be a not-for-profit, non-commercial, local, Arizona-based, or Arizona-chapter of national sportsmen’s / outdoor development group / organizations.

The project must meet the current Funding Window. The project must be related to hunter, angler, shooter, trapper, recruitment, retention, reactivation – and specifically related to the annual Funding Window.

The project must be conducted in Arizona and open to Arizona’s public.

The project must register participants using the Department’s free online registration system.

The project must collect survey information using the Department’s online survey tool.

The project must be completed before before June 30 of the fiscal funding year.

The applicant must register in ProcureAZ at or call 602 542-7600.

The applicant must obtain, and submit a certificate of general liability insurance coverage including sexual abuse and molestation insurance (S.A.M.I.) to the Department prior to signing the grant agreement to receive funding.

What types of projects are eligible to receive grant funds?

The project must be related to hunter, angler, shooter, trapper, recruitment, retention, and / or reactivation. Specific Funding Window Focus priorities can change from year to year depending on objectives and priorities for the program and will be outlined in the annual application packet.

Grant dollars cannot be used for activities such as group banquets, raffle prizes, hunting competitions, for-profit projects, or for the purchase of hunting or fishing licenses, tags or stamps. Capital equipment investments and pilot educational projects are typically not funded.

How are grant awards determined?

Grant applications are scored by a panel of at least three department employees according to how well the proposed project meets the funding window priority and scoring criteria, which are listed in the grant application packet. The Arizona Game and Fish Department Director will approve final awards.


Douglas A. Burt
Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Administrator, 623-236-7487

Outdoor Skills Network and Other Grants

Things you need to know.

Outdoor skills network

Groups that apply for the Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program are encouraged to join the Outdoor Skills Network (OSN). The OSN, is an alliance of leaders of industry, conservation groups, youth groups, and wildlife management professionals to synergistically preserve the hunting and angling tradition. The OSN’s primary program for improving hunting / angling participation rates is through hands-on, introductory, mentored events. The group meets bi-annually and focuses on coordination, cooperation and communication for a common effort.

events, projects and activities

If you’re interested in events provided by the Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant program and other efforts/ partners who teach how to learn how to hunt, fish, trap and shoot, visit outdoor skills camps, and find an event using the “Outdoor Skills Events” calendar or the FishAZ Network calendar.

other grants

Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation: The Wildlife Conservation Fund from the conservation license plate program is a grant program open to 501c3 organizations for the purpose of habitat projects deemed beneficial for all species of wildlife in Arizona, wildlife conservation education, and hunter/ angler recruitment activities.

For information, visit

Want to Go Hunting in Arizona?

Find ways to experience big game and small game hunting or find a mentored hunt camp.

buy your hunting license

Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.

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The award-winning Outdoor Skills Network is your source for hands-on, learn-to-hunt events.

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