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Information on rules, regulations and season dates for hunting mountain lions in Arizona.

Regulations and Harvest Reporting

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Mountain lion season status and harvest reporting

Check to make sure the zone is open. Once you harvest a mountain lion, you will need to report your harvest and then schedule a time to check it in. Whether you initially report your mountain lion harvest online or by phone, someone will contact you at the phone number you provide to schedule the physical inspection of your mountain lion. Please make sure the jaw is propped open so the premolar tooth behind the upper canine can be removed. If the skull and hide are frozen, they should be defrosted prior to presenting for inspection as a premolar tooth and a teat measurement will be taken from the mountain lion. If the skull and hide are frozen, we will not be able to complete the check-out and you will be asked to reschedule.

Species and gender identification

Take the time to determine the sex of the mountain lion before harvesting it. Sex identification helps:

Mountain Lion Identification and Methods of Determining Sex

mountain lion regulations

Pursuit-Only Season – A person may use dogs to pursue, but shall not kill or capture a mountain lion, pursuant to R12-4-318. The pursuit-only season coincides with the open season. To participate in the Pursuit-Only Season, you must possess a valid mountain lion pursuit-only permit or a valid, unused mountain lion nonpermit-tag.

Non-permit tag required

A nonpermit-tag is required to hunt mountain lion in Arizona, you need a valid hunting license and a mountain lion tag. A mountain lion tag can be obtained from a license dealer.

Bag limit

One mountain lion per calendar year.

Harvest thresholds

When the number of harvested mountain lions reaches the threshold, that zone closes to the additional harvest of mountain lions at sundown the Wednesday immediately following. Before each hunting trip, verify that the zone is still open. View mountain lion harvest threshold information and zone status or call toll-free 877 438-0447.

Mandatory reporting

Report your mountain lion harvest information online to the Arizona Game and Fish Department, or in-person or by telephone at 877 438-0447 within 48 hours of taking the mountain lion.

You’ll need to report the following information: hunter’s name, hunting license number, tag number, sex of the mountain lion taken, game management unit where the mountain lion was taken, and telephone number at which the hunter can be reached to obtain additional information.

Mandatory physical inspection

Present the mountain lion’s skull and hide with attached proof of sex to a designated Arizona Game and Fish Department employee for inspection within 10 days of taking the mountain lion.

An appointment is required.

Preparing for the physical inspection

An appointment is required.

-Prop jaw open so that the tooth behind the upper canine can be pulled and aged.

– The skull and hide should be defrosted prior to presenting for inspection as a premolar tooth and a teat measurement will be taken from the mountain lion. If the skull and hide are frozen, we will not be able to complete the check-in and you will be asked to reschedule.

– Ensure that the attached proof of sex is accessible and identifiable and the entire hide is accessible to collect biological data. If the mountain lion is female, please ensure teats are visible and measurable.

Age results

Posted in spring of 2019 (2018 results was the last season that we mailed out postcards).
View age results of harvested mountain lions

Learn more

Mountain Lion Management in Arizona – FAQ
Annual Mountain Lion Harvest Summaries

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