Applicable licenses per ARS 41-1080.01 and Arizona Game and Fish Rule R12-4-102.01

Qualified First-time Applicants

Qualified first-time applicants may apply for a license fee waiver for the following licenses when required for business purposes:

Fur dealer
License dealer
Live bait Dealer
Aquatic wildlife stocking
-For applicants operating a fish farm as a business
Game bird
-Shooting preserve
For applicants operating a shooting preserve as a business
-Field trial*
For applicants conducting field trial events as a business
-Field training
For applicants conducting field training activities as a business
Private game farm
Sport falconry
-For applicants conducting abatement activities as a business
Wildlife holding
-For applicants holding wildlife for a commercial photography business
Wildlife service

To apply for a license fee waiver, download the application form. Include the form with your application for one of the licenses listed above.

For more information on the current federal poverty guidelines visit the US Department of Health and Humane Services.

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