Ready to get out and hunt?
Find the license that best meets your needs. Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid license to take wildlife, including fish, in Arizona.

General hunting license
A general hunting license allows the take of small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals and upland game birds. A valid tag is required for the take of big game animals, and a valid stamp is required for migratory birds.
No one under the age of 14 may take big game without having completed a Hunter Education Course. No one under age 10 may take big game in Arizona. Resident: $37.

Combo hunt and fish license
A combo hunt & fish license allows for fishing statewide, including Community Fishing waters, and hunting of small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, and upland game birds. A valid tag is required for the take of big game animals, and a valid stamp is required for migratory birds. Resident: $57. Non-resident: $160.

Youth combo hunt and fish license
Available to youth ages 10 – 17 ONLY, allows for fishing statewide, including Community Fishing waters, and hunting of small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, and upland game birds. A valid tag is required for the take of big game animals, and a valid stamp is required for migratory birds. A valid tag is required for the take of big game animals, and a valid stamp is required for migratory birds. Resident: $5. Non-resident: $5.

Short-term combo hunt and fish license
The short-term combo hunt and fish license allows for fishing statewide, including Community Fishing waters, and hunting of small game, fur-bearing animals, predatory animals, and upland game birds. A valid tag is required for the take of big game animals, and a valid stamp is required for migratory birds. Not valid when applying for the draw. Resident: $15/ day. Non-resident: $20/ day.

Migratory bird stamp
The migratory bird stamp, combined with a valid hunting license, allows take of band-tailed pigeons, moorhen, coots, doves, ducks, geese, snipe, and swans (valid July 1 – June 30). A migratory bird stamp is included with the youth combo license. Resident: $5. Non-resident: $5. Buy migratory bird stamp

Special licenses
In order to possess, process or handle wildlife in Arizona outside of hunting and fishing seasons, you generally need a special license. This page will help you determine what type of license you might need, the forms you need to complete, the fees and the process to seek the license.

License auto-renewal
The Arizona Game and Fish Department offers the ability for hunting and fishing license holders to enroll in a process that automatically renews licenses upon expiration. License auto-renewal details
Hunting in Arizona

arizona’s lifetime license
Arizona’s lifetime general hunting and fishing license program is a unique opportunity for resident sportsmen and sportswomen to participate in the long-term funding of Arizona’s wildlife conservation programs.
where to buy a license
Hunting and fishing licenses are available for purchase online, at all Arizona Game and Fish Department offices, and at license dealers statewide. All licenses are valid 365 days from the date of purchase. Arizona migratory bird stamps and federal duck stamps are valid from July 1 through June 30 of each year.
Non-resident Hunting-Fishing License, Regulations and Non-permit-tag Order Form
Non-residents of Arizona may use this form to order hunting and fishing licenses, special use stamps, non-permit hunt tags, regulations and books through the mail. This form must be submitted separately to the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The form cannot be submitted with hunt-permit tag applications. Non-resident license mail order form
Frequently Asked Questions
Residency and special circumstance information for licenses.
When is a hunting license required?
A valid Arizona license is required for taking wildlife (including fish) in Arizona. The licensee shall carry the license when participating in hunting or fishing or other form of take.
- Take means pursuing, shooting, hunting, fishing, trapping, killing, capturing, snaring, or netting wildlife.
- Wildlife includes all wild mammals, wild birds, reptiles, amphibians, mollusks, crustaceans and fish.
The licensee is reminded to practice safe, responsible recreation when hunting or fishing. When using or crossing private lands the licensee is a guest, and this access is a privilege, not a right.
When does my child need a hunting license?
Arizona residents and nonresidents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.
A person under 10 may hunt wildlife other than big game without a license when accompanied by a properly licensed person 18 years or older. No more than two unlicensed children may accompany any license holder.
No one under the age of 14 may take big game without having completed a Hunter Education Course. No one under age 10 may take big game in Arizona.
Residency requirements
In general, an Arizona resident is a person who
- is domiciled (claims the state of Arizona as their true, fixed and permanent home and principal residence) in this state for six months immediately preceding the date of application for a license, permit, tag, or stamp and does not claim residency for any purpose in another state or jurisdiction
- or is a member of the armed forces of the United States who is on active duty and stationed in this state for either permanent or temporary duty
- or is a member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty stationed in another state or country but who lists this state as their home of record at the time of applying for a license, permit, tag, or stamp.
- “Resident”, for the purposes of applying for a license, permit, tag or stamp, means a person who is:
(a) A member of the armed forces of the United States on active duty.
Arizona Residents may purchase a resident license. All other individuals must purchase a nonresident license.
Complimentary licenses
Individuals must meet criteria to qualify for a free license that includes combination hunting, fishing and community fishing privileges. These licenses are only available through Arizona Game and Fish Department offices.
- Pioneer License – A person must be 70 years of age or older, plus 25 consecutive years as a bona fide Arizona resident immediately preceding application for the license.
- Disabled Veteran – A person must show certification from the Veteran’s Administration confirming permanent service connected disabilities rated as 100 percent disabling, plus one or more consecutive years as a bona fide Arizona resident immediately preceding application for license.
Boy and girl scout high achievement license
Boy Scouts and Girls Scouts who have reached the highest level in their organization, and up to and through the calendar year of their 20th birthday, can now get a reduced fee Honorary Scout combination hunting and fishing license (Class F) . Recipients of the Eagle Scout from the Boy Scouts of Scouts of America and Girl Scouts who have achieved the Gold Award are eligible for this reduced fee license.
Those wishing to obtain this license will need to complete the Honorary Scout License application (see below), and present the required documentation at any Department office will qualify for the reduced fee of $5.
Associated with this new class of license, the Department has launched a partnership with outdoor groups. These outdoor groups can agree to offer scout license holders extended benefits any way they choose. In most cases, it will be a free annual membership to that sponsoring organization, but this may vary from group to group. This partnership should help scouts find a active group that will help them learn about hunting, fishing and wildlife conservation.
Want to Go Hunting in Arizona?
Find ways to experience big game and small game hunting or find a mentored hunt camp.
buy your hunting license
Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.
find a mentored hunt camp
The award-winning Outdoor Skills Network is your source for hands-on, learn-to-hunt events.