Harvest Reporting

Your big game hunter questionnaire link is located on the back of your tag. You also will receive a hunter questionnaire postcard in the mail. You can choose to return the hunter questionnaire postcard via postal mail, or select the appropriate questionnaire below. You may also receive an email containing a link to your hunter questionnaire. You can respond by one method only. This information is a critical component of the hunt recommendation process, and your information helps us to accurately estimate species harvest and set permit levels.

OTC archery deer

View Harvest limit & status and mandatory harvest report

Black bear reporting

Black bear 48 hour mandatory report
View female harvest limits and season closures

Mountain lion reporting

Mountain lion 48 hour mandatory report
View harvest thresholds and zone closures
Mountain lion management zones map

Trapping survey

Arizona mandatory trapping survey

Deer questionnaire

Draw deer hunt survey for general, archery and muzzleloader.
Over-the-counter archery deer hunt

Pronghorn questionnaire


Elk questionnaire

Draw elk hunt (general, archery, muzzleloader)

Over-the-counter elk hunts (archery, firearm)

Turkey questionnaire

Draw turkey hunt (fall and spring)

Over-the-counter archery turkey hunt
Over-the-counter youth turkey hunt

Black bear

Bear hunter effort survey

Mountain lion

Lion hunter effort survey

Bison questionnaire

Bison hunt

Javenlina questionnaire

Draw javelina hunt (general, HAM, youth, archery)

Over-the-counter javelina hunt (general, youth, archery)

Small game, predator & furbearer

Predator-Furbearer Observation

Mearns’ quail

Mearns’ quail hunt survey

Non-migratory banded game bird reporting

If you shoot a banded non-migratory game bird, report your harvest here. The information you provide helps with the management of the species.

Report your harvest

Sandhill crane

Sandhill crane hunter survey

Want to Go Hunting in Arizona?

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Arizona residents and non-residents 10 years and older need a valid hunting license to hunt in Arizona.

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