The Colorado River Nature Center and Wildlife Area provides an environment for low-impact recreation uses, including amenities ranging from beach access, a trail system, and viewing decks.
The Colorado River Nature Center and Wildlife Area (CRNC) includes recreational amenities such as beach access to the Colorado River, a trail system, interpretive signage, shade ramadas, benches, viewing decks, and boardwalks for the public’s enjoyment. Rio Lomas beach, located on the CRNC, is used heavily in the summer months for cooling off in the high desert temperatures. Hiking and fishing are other popular activities.

The CRNC can be reached by taking Route 95 south out of Bullhead City about seven miles, turning west on Richardo Avenue. This road leads directly into the CRNC.

Common vegetation in the area includes saltbush, quailbush, and monotypic stands of arrowweed, and non-native salt cedar.

Common birds in the area include bald eagles, belted kingfishers, peregrine falcons, red-tailed hawks, curve-billed and Crissal thrashers, Wilson’s warblers, American goldfinches, multiple sparrow species, and many other birds that utilize the area as a stopover/resting spot during migratory bird season.

Common mammals in the area include bobcats, striped skunks, badgers, coyotes, beavers, and gray foxes.

Common reptiles in the area include Mohave rattlesnakes.

This property is part of a Cooperative Management Agreement between AZGFD, Bullhead City, and the Bureau of Land Management.
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