A National Conservation Leader
See how we became a national conservation leader and Arizona’s most trusted source for wildlife conservation information and products. The Arizona Game and Fish Department strives to be a national conservation leader and Arizona’s most trusted source for wildlife conservation information and products.
AZGFD furthered this vision in 2013 by embarking on a novel planning process that culminated in a multi-species fisheries management plan for the Verde River Watershed. This planning approach shifted away from a single species focus to interactions between sport fish and native aquatic species, reflecting AZGFD’s mission to conserve Arizona’s diverse wildlife resources.

Watershed Management Plans
Below you can find pdf summaries of all of AZGFDs Watershed Management Plans.
- Agua Fria River
- Bill Williams River Watershed
- Little Colorado River Watershed
- Lower/Middle Gila River Watershed
- Lower Colorado River Watershed
- Lower Colorado River – Lake Mead Watershed
- Rio De La Concepcion Watershed
- Salt River Watershed
- San Pedro River-Wilcox Watershed
- Santa Cruz River Watershed
- Upper Gila River Watershed
- Verde River Watershed
- Yaqui River Watershed
Watershed Management is shared with many partners
The Watershed-based Fish Management Process incorporates data collection and analysis, consideration of management emphasis, analysis of potential conflicts and mitigation, and stakeholder and public input. Ultimately the plan will guide management prescriptions while allowing for adaptive management as new information becomes available. The Statewide Fish Management Team report (AZGFD 2009) details this decision-making process.
Species considered during the planning process include sport fish, native fish, amphibians [add links here] and reptiles associated with riparian habitats (Northern Mexican Gartersnake, Narrow-headed Gartersnake and others).
This multi-species watershed scale planning and management approach was incorporated into AZGFD’s Wildlife 2030 Strategic Plan.
Questions/ Comments? Send an email to fisheriesmgmt@azgfd.gov
Fisheries Management – Sport Fish Stocking Environmental Compliance
Fisheries management details
The AZGFD is the principal state agency responsible for the management and protection of wildlife resources and their habitats in Arizona (outside of tribal lands), including fisheries. For many years, the AZGFD and other federal and tribal agencies have provided recreational angling opportunities to the public by stocking state waters with sport fish species and operating and maintaining fish hatcheries. A significant portion of AZGFD’s stocking and hatchery operations programs is funded through the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s Sport Fish Restoration Act (SFRA) grant. Using SFRA funding, the AZGFD can continue its Sport Fish Stocking Program for a 10-year period (September 1, 2021 to August 31, 2031) by continuing to operate AZGFD hatcheries and stock sport fish in selected rivers, streams, lakes, reservoirs, ponds, and livestock watering tanks in the state. The pertinent documents that are relevant to the current stocking program are below:
Finding of no Significant Impact (FONSI)
Sport Fishing Stocking Program Final Environmental Assessment (EA)
Recreational angling in Arizona created a statewide economic impact of more than $1.4 billion in 2013, according to the 2013 Economic Impact of Fishing in Arizona by Responsive Management (the last year such a survey was done). In fiscal year 2020, AZGFD sold 273,902 fishing licenses, generating revenue of nearly $14 million. During the last six years, AZGFD has stocked approximately 3 million fish per year. The majority of stockings were cold water species, such as Rainbow, Apache, Brook, Cutthroat, and Brown Trout. The AZGFD also stocked warm water species including Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Black Crappie, Redear Sunfish, and Bluegill.
In 2013, there were 5,979,637 angler days of fishing in Arizona. Sport Fish Restoration funding will make it possible for AZGFD to continue to meet part of this demand for public recreational angling opportunities on Arizona’s waters.
Want to Go Fishing around the State?
Find ways to experience fishing all over the state, including community waters.
buy your fishing license
If you need a fishing license, a combo hunt & fish license, or a short-term license, read about them here.
find a community lake to fish
There are 50+ community lakes in Arizona. Make a memory fishing with the family!