Lesson Plans K-12
Focus Wild Arizona offers a number of full lesson plans aligned to current Arizona academic standards. Each lesson typically includes all of the resources necessary to teach it. Below is a brief sampling of those lessons. Participants of our workshops will get access to even more lesson plans related to the theme of the workshop.

America’s wildlife (K-12)
Description: A 5-lesson unit that explores the national and natural history of the United States by looking at how wildlife conservation has been influenced by American ideals.
Grade Levels: 9-12
Time Frame: 5 class periods
Key Concepts: History, Wildlife Management, Civic Participation
Science and Engineering Practices: Constructing Explanations and Designing Solutions, Engaging in Argument from Evidence
Crosscutting Concepts: Stability and Change
Resources Included: Lesson plans, slide decks, promotional materials

Living lables (K-8)
Description: A photo of an animal is placed on each student’s back and they must walk around the room and ask thoughtful questions to the other students in order to determine which animal they have received.
Grade Levels: K-8
Time Frame: 30-45 minutes
Key Concepts: General Wildlife, Questioning Strategies
Science and Engineering Practices: Ask questions and define problems; Analyze and interpret data
Crosscutting Concepts: Patterns; Structure and Function
Resources Included: Lesson plan, 30 animal cards
Eric Proctor
eproctor@azgfd.gov or 623-236-7243
Education through AZGFD
See resources for teachers, including lesson plans. Learn about hunter education, and classes to earn bonus points.
teacher resources
The goal of the AZGFD education program is to promote awareness, appreciation and stewardship of the state’s wildlife resources by using wildlife as a context for learning.
hunter education for bonus points
Classroom and online instruction, and field days for hunter education. Online “Ethically Hunting Arizona” class allows hunters to earn a lifetime bonus point.