About AZGFD’s Nongame and Endangered Wildlife Programs
The purpose of the nongame and endangered wildlife management is to protect, restore, preserve and maintain nongame and endangered wildlife as part of the natural diversity of Arizona and to provide opportunities for the public to enjoy nongame and endangered wildlife. “Nongame wildlife” is all wildlife except game mammals, game birds, furbearing animals, predatory animals and game fish. “Endangered wildlife,” are those species listed by the Department as Tier 1a of Species of Greatest Conservation Need, or by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service as endangered, threatened or a candidate for such status.

mexican wolf reintroduction
The Arizona Game and Fish Department has been actively involved in reintroducing Mexican wolves to portions of their historical range since before the first release of wolves in 1998.

Bald eagle management
The bald eagle in Arizona has experienced a large population increase since the species was listed under the Endangered Species Act in 1978. At that time, only 11 breeding pairs had been identified. Since then, multiple studies and intensive management projects have contributed to our knowledge of the bald eagle in Arizona, and the population has grown.

golden eagle management
In June 2010, the Arizona Game and Fish Department formed the Southwestern Golden Eagle Management Committee which comprised of 17 state, federal, private, and tribal entities. Through this partnership, the Department was able to secure funding for statewide golden eagle surveys.

burrowing owl management
In an effort to counteract this habitat loss, land and wildlife managers are constructing artificial burrows and relocating displaced burrowing owls into protected habitat. However, this effort can be challenging due to the variability in quality of available habitat.

bat conservation and management
Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Bat Management Program was created in 1990, when the Department began receiving Heritage Fund money from Arizona Lottery ticket sales. One goal of the Bat Management Program is to facilitate the conservation and management of bats in Arizona

apache trout recovery
Once nearing extinction, the Apache trout is now returning to its place in the legacy of Arizona’s unique, native fish resources. Apache trout have been restored to much of their historic range in the White Mountains after decades of cooperative protection and recovery efforts. Because the species has recovered sufficiently, anglers can now fish for them in designated state waters or on the Fort Apache Indian Reservation.

california condor recovery
California condors are the largest flying land bird in North America. Condors are members of New World vultures and are opportunistic scavengers that feed primarily on large dead mammals such as deer, elk, bighorn sheep, range cattle, and horses. Using thermal updrafts, condors can soar and glide up to 50 miles per hour and travel 100 miles or more per day in search of food.

Bighorn sheep
At their peak, North American bighorn sheep numbers were estimated at 2 million. Desert populations have since fallen to about 20,000 and Rocky Mountain populations are at about 45,000. Arizona’s bighorn population, consisting of both desert and Rocky Mountain races, is estimated at 6,000 animals.
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