Our Wildlife Resources are an Important Component of Arizona’s Natural Environment
Arizona’s population is currently 6.5 million people and is expected to more than double to 16 million people by the year 2050. Adding almost 10 million residents means a need for more homes and businesses and transportation and energy corridors. According to the Gallup Arizona Poll and recorded in the report, The Arizona We Want, Arizonans highly value aesthetics and the natural environment.

Corridors and wildlife
Arizona’s population is about 6.5 million, and is expected to more than double to 16 million people by the year 2050. Adding almost 10 million residents means a need for more homes and businesses and transportation and energy corridors.
Increasing connectivity for wildlife
Our wildlife resources are an important component of Arizona’s natural environment. As new roads, communities, and energy corridors are put on the ground, the wildlife that traditionally moved through the area are forced to find ways around or through the new structures. This increases the likelihood of interactions with humans. Some of these interactions are simply nuisance encounters with wildlife digging a den under someone’s front porch or eating landscaping plants, but some may be more serious where harm can come to the human and/or the animal. Increasing connectivity for wildlife in a planned manner will reduce the frequency of negative interactions and will allow animals to move to the resources they need.
What connectivity is and why it’s important
The Commission approved a resolution regarding the importance of wildlife connectivity and efforts to identify, conserve and enhance wildlife corridors as well as efforts to reduce potential adverse impacts to wildlife, wildlife habitat and public safety throughout Arizona.
Wildlife connectivity resolution
Want to Get Involved with Wildlife Conservation?
Volunteer your time, or donate to help us with conserving and protecting our wildlife. When you purchase a hunting or fishing license online, resources go back into wildlife conservation.
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With your help, we can continue to conserve & protect Arizona’s wildlife.
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If you have a passion for wildlife and want to help us conserve and protect it, we’d love to have you on our team!