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  1. Wild About Arizona: Natural History of Wolves & Coyotes

    …species. Afterward, they will delve into the history of Arizona’s wolves, what caused them to become extinct and how Arizona Game and Fish, along with other federal and state agencies,…

  2. Mexican wolf numbers soar past 200

    wolves in existence. Mexican wolves were first reintroduced to the wild in 1998, marking the first time in 30 years Mexican wolves were known to exist in the wild in…

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  3. Mexican wolf numbers up for 8th straight year

    wolves saw another year of growth in 2023, according to the results of the annual survey. The 2023 population census revealed a minimum of 257 Mexican wolves distributed across Arizona…

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  4. Mexican Wolf Management

    …been actively involved in reintroducing Mexican wolves to portions of their historical range since before the first release of wolves in 1998. In the 1980s, the recovery effort focused mainly…

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  5. Learn more about Mexican wolf recovery

    …them into wild wolf dens so they can be raised as wild wolves). Fostering works, as wild-raised wolves are less likely to get into conflicts with people than captive-raised wolves….

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  6. Record number of Mexican wolf pups fostered

    …year, fostering is helping to improve the genetic diversity of the wild population of Mexican wolves. The newborn Mexican wolf pups came from six genetically diverse litters held in five…

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