Acquired by AZGFD in 1948, Lamar Haines Memorial Wildlife Area is valuable as a wildlife interpretive area in an area of old growth forest habitat.
Lamar Haines Wildlife Area (LHMWA) was originally patented under the Homestead Act by Ludwig Veit in 1892, and purchased by the Jenks family in 1928. It was acquired by AZGFD in 1948 as a water source for wildlife on the southwest slope of Agassiz Peak. The wildlife attracted to these habitats afford valuable recreational opportunities. The primary use of Lamar Haines Memorial Wildlife Area is limited to day use hiking, sight-seeing and photography.
LHMWA is located 12 miles north of Flagstaff in northern Arizona, in the San Francisco Mountains within the Coconino National Forest.
The area consists of montane conifer forest, including ponderosa pine, Douglas and white fir, Engelmann’s spruce, and aspen.
Common birds in the area include the Mexican spotted owl, northern goshawk, California condor, Clark’s nutcracker, mountain chickadee, brown creeper, Williamson’s sapscuker, Stellar’s jay, white-breasted nuthatch, and many others.
Common mammals in the area include mule deer, and elk.
LHMWA sustains a valuable stand of old growth forest habitat interspersed with wet meadow/springs that add diversity to the habitat. Preservation and management of this area requires coordination with the USFS on management of the surrounding forested areas since the value of LHMWA would be significantly reduced if it became an isolated forest stand. The remnant old-growth conifer forest of LHMWA has been subjected to very light logging and timber management treatments.
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