If you want a chance to view North America's largest land mammal, Raymond Wildlife Area is the place to go, with approximately 14,637 acres of rolling plains to view bison.
Within the Raymond Wildlife Area, the combination of ponderosa pine forest and grasslands on Anderson Mesa provide important habitat for a wide variety of watchable wildlife, from migrating birds to pronghorn antelope, bison, mule deer and elk. Habitat protected within Raymond Wildlife Area, particularly wetland and riparian areas, may provide homes for several sensitive and rare wildlife species.
Raymond Wildlife Area is located 20 miles southeast of Flagstaff.
Raymond Wildlife Area’s habitat is dominated by desert scrub grassland and pinyon-juniper woodland.
Common birds in the area include the northern harrier, golden eagle, sharp-shinned hawk, great horned owl, and various migrating birds.
Common mammals in the area include bison, mule deer, pronghorn antelope, elk, and Gunnison’s prairie dogs.
Raymond Wildlife Area encompasses approximately 14,637 acres and is an Arizona Game and Fish Commission-owned property.
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