Learn About the Landowner Relations & Habitat Enhancement Program
The Landowner Relations and Habitat Enhancement Program focuses on enhancing habitat and securing public recreational access throughout state. This is achieved through a variety of programs. Applications for the HE and LRP Programs funding are due on July 11. Applications for the HE and LRP Programs funding will be received at 9 a.m. at the Arizona Game and Fish Department headquarters. Applications will be accepted and reviewed until all funding is obligated. If you are interested in applying, see below for contact information for your regional representative

Habitat Partnership Committe
The Habitat Partnership Committee (HPC) Program’s primary funding source is Special Big Game License-Tag funds. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission annually awards three special big game license-tags per big game species to nonprofit wildlife conservation organizations that auction or raffle these tags to raise funding. The funding is used to benefit the wildlife species for which the license-tag is issued.

Habitat Enhancement Program
Habitat Enhancement (HE) projects are supported by application fees for Arizona big game tags and Pittman-Robertson Federal Aid funds, apportioned to the state from sales of firearms and ammunition. Annual program funding varies but usually exceeds $1 million. HE projects are designed to bolster populations of game and non-game species at landscape-scale, leveraging diverse partnerships and funding sources. Priority is given to shovel ready projects.

Landowner Relations Program
The Landowner Relations Program focuses on partnering with the State’s private landowners and agricultural producers to implement mutually beneficial habitat projects and secure public recreational access. The Program uses a variety of funding sources, including Identification Inventory Acquisition Protection and Management (IIAPM) $130,000, Pittman-Robertson $130,000, Big Game Donation Fund (usually exceeds $100,000) and various grants awarded by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and Arizona Department of Environmental Quality. Priority is given to shovel ready projects that demonstrate benefit to multiple wildlife species and leverage multiple funding sources.
The Arizona Game and Fish Department partners with the Arizona State Land Department to evaluate and address case by case vehicular closures on State Trust Land. R12-4-610 Petition Packet

Ranch members of the Landowner-Compact
Big Boquillas Ranch
CO Bar Ranch
Coronado Dairy and Farm
Elkhorn Ranch
Fort Rock Ranch
Kings Anvil Ranch
O’Haco Ranch
Double O Ranch
Bar T Bar Ranch
Flying M Ranch
Perrin Ranch
Santa Margarita Ranch
Hopi Three Canyon Ranch

Adopt-A-Ranch Program
The Adopt-a-Ranch Program can offer volunteer labor to perform ranch maintenance with support from the Department. Volunteer groups visit their “adopted” ranches once or twice a year to complete mutually beneficial projects. Watch a video about the Adopt-A-Ranch Program

Landowner Respect Program
The Landowner Respect Program provides signs to landowners to inform the public of laws and etiquette for using ranch lands; the Respect Program can also provide gates, fence ladders, sign-in boxes and kiosks to improve issues related to public access.
habitat projects map
This map is a visual representation of the over 200 habitat projects the Landowner Relations and Habitat Enhancement Program has completed since 2017. Areas depicted in yellow and red represent areas with the highest density of projects. Clicking on regions within the map will provide you with contact information for the representatives in each region.
Landowner Relations Contact Information
Landowner relations contacts
- Landowner Relations & Habitat Enhancement Program Manager, Dan Sturla 623-236-7282
- Landowner Relations Program Coordinator, Jake Jaeger 320-309-4535
- Habitat Enhancement Program Coordinator, Kyle Dutro 623-236-7522
- Habitat Partnership Committee Coordinator, Andrew Cavalcant 623-236-7221
- Adopt-A-Ranch and Respect Programs Coordinator, Troy Christensen 602-319-0645
- Partner Biologist Mule Deer Foundation, Jake Smith 623-236-7010
- Region 1 Specialist, Evan Lautzenheiser 928-532-3682
- Region 2 Specialist, Andrew Jones 480-431-0205
- Region 3 Specialist, Nick Clark 602-206-9060
- Region 4 Specialist, Robert Carrasco 928-246-8987
- Region 5 Specialists, Nick Schobinger 480-751-7427
- Region 6 Specialist, Will Hull 480-981-9400
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